Heart Wave Painting by Katie Becker


The Heart Wave Painting

by Katie Becker

I did this painting during one of the deepest seasons of intimacy I had ever had with the Lord. While painting, I encountered wave after wave of His love, His presence and glorious realms of Heaven. From the strength of this encounter, I was able to do this painting very quickly and with such joy. I also received the following word to go with it.

The Heart Wave by Katie Becker

It is a new day when wave after wave of My presence and glory will come suddenly. You will no longer get stuck, frustrated or lose hope and set aside the things that I have called you to do. I am empowering and enabling you to do the things of the Kingdom quickly and with authority.

Oh. But you must come into the water. Come in to your ankles: deeper, up to your knees: deeper, up to your waist until it’s over your head. Come out to where the surfers wait for the big ones. Come into the curl. Can you see My heart there in the center of the curl?

It is time to get baptized again in my wave of strong, pure, overwhelming, unrelenting, unfailing, transforming LOVE. I don’t want to just give you a little sprinkle or a quick dunk. I want to pull you into my current, knock you down, crash over you, flip your head over your heals, toss you and twirl you around, and do it over and over again like the waves that just keep on coming.

So, run out to meet me in the center of My heart. Draw near to me and I will draw near to you and I will wrap myself all around you. I am a tsunami wave of power, love and glory and I am coming to your shores. I am coming to tear down and wash away every man made structure or kingdom that resists me. For I desire to consume your whole heart with my love and give you a wild ride.
